We support

Lifeline Debt AdviceStarting at home in Sandbach, we support through funding and our advisers this much needed service to the community.Kath Cliffe
Food BanksStaying local ,we also recognise the needs of families who use this service when things get tough.
Children’s SocietyFounded by Lord Shaftsbury in C19th, we celebrate their work at our Christingle Service in January.
Prison FellowshipWe support this work generally and in particular we pray for the prison chaplaincy in Preston, Lancashire.
Church Mission SocietyWe support workers in Glasgow who minister to recently arrived refugees from war torn countries.Pat Parfitt
Operation Christmas ChildIn November we enjoy packing Christmas shoe boxes with good things that are received by children in other countries.Denise Shone
Slavic Gospel AssociationWe have seen some wonderful developments in Bulgaria: a church plant is now self supporting.Bill Chapman
Compassion UKWe sponsor a child in Haiti and support wider initiatives.Fiona Collister
Friends of SYCAM (Indian orphanage)Pastors Annie and Emmanuel Milton lead and manage an amazing outreach In Chennai, India.Paul & Heather Savvides
Operation Mobilisation (Dalit children education, India)We want to see every child in India receive the same opportunity to learn and become full members of their society.
Joyce Foster
Cornerstone Church, CreweDavid Page