Marriage Course

Marriage Course

The Marriage Course is a series of eight sessions designed to help any married couple strengthen their relationship. It is a great opportunity to spend time together as a couple looking at the important issues in your marriage. Each week you are given the opportunity to enjoy a candlelit meal together and listen to a talk. Then there is plenty of time to discuss what has been said in the talk with each other. There is NO group work involved at any stage on the course. It is for any married couple who wants to work together and invest in their relationship. It doesn’t matter if you have been married less than two years or over twenty years. If you have a strong marriage the course will help you to make it even better and will reinforce your good habits. If on the other hand your marriage is experiencing some difficulties, the course will help to provide you with very practical tools to help you work through your problems.

The Marriage Course was started in 1996 by Nicky and Sila Lee who are on the staff of Holy Trinity Brompton the church that started the Alpha Course. So what is it and who’s it for?Why explore Christianity …
When does it happen / how long …
Who is leading it …
No charge: it’s free!
Contact …

A typical evening on the Marriage Course would go as follows:-
– each evening starts with a candlelit meal. This gives you time to spend together as a couple.
   –   each evening we will watch a talk on a video. See below for the list of the talks given on the course.                                                                
Coffee and discussion time
– during the talk there are exercises for you to do together as a couple. We make every effort to ensure that conversations are not overheard and music is played in the background to help with this. During the longest exercise we will serve you with tea or coffee and a cake.
– at the end of the evening you will be given some homework to do together before the next session. Don’t worry we don’t gather it in and mark it, it is just to help you continue your discussions at home.