Additional Events

Additional Events and News

24th and 25th January 2020 North West Partnership Annual Conference
“Plugged In, Switched On – Engaging Culture”
The speakers will be Mark Pickles, Director of the North West Partnership and Dan Strange, College Director at Oak Hill College, London. Please contact David Page if you would like to go.  
St Andrew’s Church, Leyland
28th March, 09:00 – 12:00Church and Church Hall Spring Clean.

Past Case Safeguarding Review

All parishes are required to participate in a Past Cases Review, commissioned by the Church of England. PCR2, as it is known nationally, is part of the Church’s ongoing scrutiny of its handling of past and current safeguarding cases. работа в москве An Independent Reviewer will be looking at files relating to church officers in this parish, both lay and ordained, past and present. Individuals who wish to make representations to the PCR2 process, or who need to come forward with information or make any disclosures, are encouraged to make direct contact with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser. However, recognising that this may not feel safe for those with a lived experience of abuse from within the Church, a dedicated telephone helpline – 0800 80 20 20 – operated independently from the Church, by the NSPCC, has been set up.

Job Opportunity

St Peter’s is looking for an Office Administrator to support the work of the church.  This is a part-time role anticipated to be 10 hours per week which will require a high level of competence in office skills and exemplary personal attributes.  If you are interested, please contact the Church Office or e-mail to receive a copy of the detailed Job Description.  Applications will close by 10th March, with interviews being held during the week commencing 16th March.  We are aiming for a proposed start date of 6th April.  Application is by letter or e-mail with a comprehensive CV, plus two references (who will be contacted prior to appointment of the successful candidate).

New Church Treasurer

After many years of faithful service, Mark Barker will be stepping down as Church Treasurer at the APCM in April.  In order to ensure a smooth handover, we would like to identify a new Treasurer as soon as possible.  If you feel that God is calling you to this ministry, or you would like more information, please contact Mark, David or one of the Churchwardens. 

Anthony Rigby’s Ordination – Sunday 5th July 2020

St Peter’s are planning to organise a coach to take people interested in attending Anthony’s Ordination at Chester Cathedral. The coach would leave from the car park at 8.30am.  In order to determine if this is viable, please can you let the Church Office know next week if you would like to go, and what your preference is for time of return. The service will finish at around 12noon.  The cost of the coach will be approximately £8 per person.