St. Peter’s donates 10% of its voluntary income to local, national and overseas good causes. We also support them by prayer and practical means. The following are those that benefit:
A Christian charity that partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. We take action to tackle poverty and injustice
Sandbach Food Bank and Pantry
The Food Bank delivers short term free food parcels to individuals and familes with extreme difficulties whereas the Pantry provides ongoing cheap shopping for those in need. Both need donations and there is a labelled box in the Church
Hall foyer where items can be left. The Food Bank and Pantry need instant Coffee, tinned ready meals, long life fruit juice, jam, tinned vegetables, tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, long grain rice, breakfast cereals, UHT milk,
tinned sponge puddings, fruit squash, pasta sauces, tinned custard, sugar, toilet rolls, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap.
Children’s Society
Founded by Edward Rudolf in 1881, we celebrate their work at our Christingle Service in January.
Prison Fellowship
We support this work generally and in particular we pray for the prison chaplaincy in Preston, Lancashire.
Operation Christmas Child
In November we enjoy packing Christmas shoe boxes with good things that are received by children in other countries.
Slavic Gospel Association
We have seen some wonderful developments in Bulgaria: a church plant is now self supporting.
Compassion UK
Some Church Family members sponsor individual children in Haiti and as a church we also support a project supporting young families.
SYCAM (Indian orphanage)
Pastors Annie and Emmanuel Milton lead and manage an amazing outreach In Chennai, India.
Dalit Freedom Network
We want to see every child in India receive the same opportunity to learn and become full members of their society.
Bible Society
Invites people to discover the Bible and find out more about God, themselves and the world.
Scripture Union
A Christian charity inviting children and young people to explore the difference Jesus can make to the challenge and adventures of life.
Barnabas Fund
Works to provide hope and aid for the persecuted church from Christians to Christians.
Brings Clean Water, Decent Toilets and Good Hygiene to everyone everywhere.
Christian Vision for Men
Serves local churches to engage with men in their community.
We are a member of Churches Together in Sandbach (CTS)

CTS comprises of other churches in Sandbach who cooperate on community based projects such as the Sandbach Food Bank and the Pantry. Annually, we hold a joint Advent service with all CTS churches and sometimes a summer outdoor service in Elworth Park with the Methodist Church.
Our Church Hall is also home to the following organisations:
Elworth Pre-School
Elworth Over 60s
Slimming World
Fodens Brass Band
Acclaimed composer Andy Scott (during Covid!)
Cheshire Constabulary PCSOs
Cheshire East Council

Read what people say about us …
‘Such a lovely warm welcome into this beautiful building. Fabulous wedding and christening I’ll most definitely be returning for Sunday services.’
‘Friendly people. We had refreshments here after the Christmas Crib service and it was remarkable and memorable.’
‘Love the location and ample car parking space. It’s peaceful and quiet’

St Peters Church Hall
School Lane
CW11 3HU
Contact us on 01270 766557
LSt. Peter’s Church, Elworth takes its duty and obligation to protect all, extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England’s robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues of a safeguarding matter then you can find useful contact information at
Helen is the safeguarding officer. Please contact Helen by emailing