At St Peter’s, we hold various activities suitable for all ages. Contact the Church Office if you are interested in joining or even volunteering to help!

Coffee & Company

Every Friday 9.00 to 11.30 am – A chance to relax and meet people. Enjoy filter coffee, freshly made tea, bacon baps and other breakfast food, our wonderful cakes and much more

Supper Night

Normally the last Wednesday of the month at 6.30pm. A great way to meet friends and get to know people over a delicious hot meal and dessert. Book beforehand on the sign-up sheet on the Church Hall notice board


A magazine for the Church family; distributed online and as a paper copy.

Click below for the latest issue!

Book Club

Do you like reading? We meet in the Church Hall foyer for around 90 minutes. It is free and no prior booking is necessary. The club is open to anyone of any age but we read books aimed at adults. We meet in a friendly, informal environment where we can have a hot drink, read and discusses a wide variety of fiction books

Churchyard Team

Every Saturday 9.30 – 11.30 am. Help maintain our beautiful Churchyard with gardening jobs such as mowing, strimming, weeding and litter-picking. It’s a great way of helping the local environment. The Team always welcomes new members! If anyone is interested in volunteering, please contact the Church Office for more details.

Church Football

A fun match every Wednesday from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Sandbach School astro turf football pitch

Make the Most of your Sewing Machine

By bringing it along to our monthly workshops in the Church Hall for hints, tips and practice on Fridays 10.00 am to 12 noon

Ladies Events

Our church organizes special Ladies’ Events three times a year, offering a warm and welcoming environment for fellowship and fun. Activities include creative sessions like wreath making and crafts, social gatherings with strawberries and cream, quizzes, and leisurely walks. Join us for a relaxed and enjoyable time, perfect for building friendships and community!

Residential / Nursing Home Visits

Within our Parish we have three Residential / Nursing homes into which we are welcomed. We join with the residents at each, once a month for a short service of Worship. We also join to celebrate the festivals at Christmas, Easter and Harvest. This gives a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with familiar local and church families and we have made some delightful friendships, not only with residents but also with Staff, Lifestyle Managers and Activity Co-ordinators.

Click on the link below to visit the various homes we connect with

Exterior De-fibrillator Unit

We are pleased to inform you that a defibrillator is installed on the side of our church hall. It is connected to the ambulance service, ensuring quick access in case of emergencies. Please familiarise yourself with its location in case of need.

 St Peters Church Hall

School Lane



CW11 3HU

Contact us on 01270 766557

St. Peter’s Church, Elworth takes its duty and obligation to protect all, extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England’s robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues of a safeguarding matter then you can find useful contact information at

Helen Jones is the safeguarding officer. Please contact Helen by emailing